Statement of Intent
At Connie’s Academy we aim to make it a safe and secure place for students, children, parents, carers, staff and any visitors who may enter the setting. We aim to make all the students, children, parents, carers and staff aware of health and safety issues to minimise the hazards and risks to enable all to thrive in a safe and healthy environment.
Organisation and Responsibilities
The Head of Education, Connie Reza, is responsible for the overall management of
Health and Safety at the Academy.
Her role is the management and promotion of Health and Safety.
Academy Workers
All staff, students and volunteers are responsible for ensuring that they work in a manner which is safe to themselves and to others and to comply with the requirements of this policy. All staff, parents, carers, volunteers and students (“Attendees”) are urged to read the Connie’s Academy Health and Safety Policy.
Academy workers are responsible for:
Reading through the Connie’s Academy Health and Safety Policy.
Complying with all arrangements for Health and Safety at the Academy
Undertaking required training and refresher courses
Complying with the findings of Risk Assessments and carrying out the stated controls as required
Acting on any urgent issue or hazard immediately as necessary and reporting it to the Director of Education or Managing Director (“Executive Staff”).
Reporting non –urgent defects and hazards by writing them down in the Health and Safety reporting book (and letting Executive Staff know of any entries) and or adding an item on the agenda for discussion at weekly staff meetings
Carrying out timely inspections of all areas of the Academy inside and out, equipment and resources
Academy Administration staff
Are responsible for:
Ensuring the building fabric inside and out is fire retardant
Carrying out stationary tests on the electric, gas and water supplies and air conditioning system
Testing the fire alarm, smoke detectors and emergency lighting
Testing the controlled temperature of the hot water in the taps used by the children
Maintaining the garden
Providing Health and Safety training
Giving advice, guidance and assistance
Providing First –Aid supplies
Ensuring the Health and Safety policy is kept up to date
Undertaking inductions for all Academy staff, management and contractors under contract with the Academy
Academy Management
Are responsible for:
Undertake audits
Investigating serious accidents
Fire Precautions
A comprehensive fire emergency plan and evacuation procedure is given to all members of staff. A copy of the plan is available in the reception area.
All Attendees are aware of the location of fire doors and fire exits, and means of escapes from the Academy. The location of the nearest fire extinguisher and fire alarm call points and instructions for their use are to be known. All staff is to attend the Academy’s in-house Fire Warden Training. Emergency exit routes are always tidy and free from obstacles. The fire alarm is tested monthly.
Fire Drill Procedure
All staff has attended the Fire Warden drills. In the event of a fire alarm sounding the following is to be carried out:
The Fire Warden is to collect the Attendance sheet from reception.
Staff is to take responsibility for the children and students and to assist them to immediately vacate the Academy, through the safest exit, at the muster area next to the Academy’s main external entrance, the red “staff entrance” gate in the driveway.
The Fire warden is to check the Academy is clear of people and check against the Attendance sheet to confirm everyone has vacated the Academy
In the event of access to the Academy’s “staff entrance” is denied, the children, students and staff are to assemble at the other red “client entrance”.
Parents or Carers will be contacted to enable them to collect their children.
Fire Prevention
At the end of an Academy day staff will switch of all electrical appliances, close all doors and windows in each room. The Academy is a non-smoking environment.
First Aid
Members of staff have undertaken First Aid training which is updated every three years. The First Aid boxes are located at Reception and in the 1st floor hall of the Academy.
First aid kits are regularly checked and restocked and are kept out of reach of children.
Should an accident occur in which a child is involved, where professional medical attention is needed and is an emergency, we need to inform the child’s parent or carer and explain the exact nature of the emergency and request clear instructions from the parent or carer. These instructions must be written down in the Safety register.
In any emergency situation senior executives of the Academy must be informed immediately of the situation. When a child is involved and the parent cannot be contacted a member of the Academy’s executive must be advised after having taken care of the child.
Risk Assessment
The majority of the activities that are carried out in the Academy are generally of low risk in nature and do not require being formally assessed.
However if we are planning a trip outside the Academy or are carrying out an activity when the child could be at risk, we would carry out a written risk assessment.
Risk assessments are carried out by Connie Reza and attending staff will contribute to this assessment. The risk assessments would be carried out on activities in the Academy environment, outside the environment, manual handling and outings. They are regularly reviewed, working documents and are displayed in each area of the Academy. Should you have any queries or concerns of your own please feel free to talk to members of the Executive staff.
Risk assessments are brought to the attention of all Attendees and anyone who is involved in the activity. Risk assessments are reviewed annually.
Risk assessments are periodically passed to members of the Executive staff for checking to ensure that they are suitable and sufficient.
Monitoring of the Health and Safety Policy
Connie’s Academy Health and Safety Policy will be reviewed to monitor the effectiveness of the health and safety in the setting. The inspection will be carried out by members of the Executive staff.
Health and Safety Issues
All staff, students, visitors, parent or carers would report any health and safety issues promptly to Connie Reza or a senior member of staff in her absence. Health and Safety issues would be discussed and recorded and the relevant agencies would be informed of the concern that has occurred.
Health and Safety Queries or Issues
All staff, students, visitors, parent/carers should report any health and safety issue or hazard promptly to Connie or a senior member of staff in her absence and register the incident in the Health and Safety book.
Health and Safety Consultation
All members of staff are required to attend a prescribed Health and Safety Training course when held and at least once every three years.
Records of training undertaken by staff are kept by the Academy along with planned dates for future course attendance and refresher courses as needed.
Emergency Procedure
In case of a medical emergency these procedures will be implemented.
If an ambulance needs to be called for any reason staff will ring Clinic Guenin who will arrange for an ambulance. Staff will not use personal transport.
If the Parent or Carer is unable to go with their child a member of staff will accompany them.
They will take the relative information with them (child’s record card, accident form and any necessary medication).
If a child or member of staff etc. has a minor injury a taxi will used.
All relevant information will also be taken.
Where a child is involved, the parent or carer will need to be informed.
Disaster Plan
Connie’s Academy has drawn up a disaster plan. If the Academy was affected by any disaster you would be contacted by phone or text. All phone numbers are held at the Academy.
Please ensure we have up to date phone numbers at all times so you are contactable. Please make sure you have the Academy number as in the event of a disaster you may need to contact us.
Safety and Security Policy
Connie and Ndy are the members of staff who have undertaken the appropriate training and are responsible for recording risk assessments, updating policies and ensuring others are aware of safety and security issues.
Insurance Cover
We have a public liability insurance and employers insurance. The certificate is displayed in the hall.
Child Safety Precautions
Only adults who have enhanced disclosure forms from the Criminal Records Bureau have unsupervised access to the children. We aim for adults not to supervise children alone.
During Academy opening times there are always at least two adults in the building.
Parents or Carer s will be asked to provide the Academy with their contact telephone numbers, the names and telephones numbers of those who should be contacted in the case of an emergency, and a list of any allergies, dietary requirements and any illnesses in the child’s history which may affect the safety of that child whilst at the Academy.
Academy equipment is checked daily and any damaged or dangerous items are removed, replaced or repaired.
All creative materials that are used are non-toxic.
Sand is clean and suitable for children’s play.
All dangerous materials, including medication, are stored out of children’s reach.
Wires and leads are properly guarded and the children are taught not to touch them.
All electrical and gas equipment within the building conforms to safety requirements
and is checked regularly.
The Academy has a non-smoking policy.
Lighting and ventilation is adequate in all areas including storage areas.
To prevent the spread of infection we will encourage the following practices.
We regularly seek information from the local Health Authority to ensure that we keep up-to-date with the latest recommendations.
Cloths are colour coded for various tasks
When possible crockery will be left to air dry.
Staff will wear protective aprons when preparing food.
Surfaces and fridges are cleaned with an antibacterial spray.
The Academy cleaner has a rota for cleaning the Academy appliances fixtures and fittings.
Infection Control
The toilet areas have a high standard of hygiene including hand and washing and
drying facilities.
Staff and children wash hands after using the toilet.
Children are encouraged to cover their mouths when coughing and sneezing.
A large box of tissues is available in each room and the children are encouraged to blow and wipe their noses as appropriate and disregard the tissues into a bin. All soiled tissues are disposed of properly.
Paper towels are used and disposed appropriately.
The Academy is cleaned daily by a professional cleaner who is employed by the Academy and whose standard is maintained daily by the Academy staff.
Accident Reporting
All accidents/incidents/near misses except those of a minor nature will be investigated by the appropriate department and recorded on the relevant documentation.
Minor incidents will be recorded on the relevant documentation and assessed in–house once a term. Should an accident occur during the day involving a child, a form will be completed and put by the daily register for the parent or carer to read, sign when the child is collected at the end of the day. We would contact a parent/carer that we feel may need to know that an accident has occurred and we would monitor the child. We also ask all parent or carers to complete an accident form to record incidents that take place at home and leave a mark on the child.
Should an accident occur affecting a child which we feel needs professional medical attention then we will call the parent or carers to report the accident and advise them to collect their child and seek advice from their doctor, or local hospital. If we feel it is an emergency we will call for an ambulance, call parent/carers to inform them of the situation and call a member of the Executive Staff.
Accidents/incidents of a serious nature will be reported immediately by the Teacher or attending staff member by telephone to Executive Staff and will be subject to a more formal investigation by the Executive Staff.
Safety of Staff
All staff/volunteers are provided with guidance about storage, movement, lifting and erection of large equipment.
When staff need to reach up for equipment /items they are provided with safe equipment to do so.
Child Security Precautions
Low level windows are made from materials which prevent accidental breakage or are made safe.
All staff will take precautions to prevent children’s fingers from being trapped in doors and also make children aware.
A member of staff will accompany any visitor or contractor that has to work in any area where the child is playing.
Parent or Carers will be asked to provide the Academy with the names and telephone numbers of those people who should be contacted in case of emergency, as well as the people who are authorised to collect the child.
Parent or Carers have to sign their children in and out.
Parent or Carers must complete the Enrolment form which will provide the Academy with the names and telephones numbers of those people who should be contacted in the case of an emergency, as well as the names of people who are authorised to collect the child and a password to be used on these occasions.
Insurance Cover
We have public liability insurance. The certificate is displayed in reception.
Day to Day
We aim for adults not to leave children unsupervised in the sun.
During Academy opening times there are always at least two adults in the building.
Within the Enrolment form, parents or carers must provide the Academy with their contact telephone numbers, names and telephone numbers of those who should be contacted in the case of an emergency, and a list of any allergies, dietary requirements and any illnesses in the child’s history which may affect the safety of that child whilst at the Academy.
Academy equipment is checked daily any damaged or dangerous items are removed;
they may be replaced or repaired.
All creative materials that are used are non-toxic.
Sand is clean and suitable and suitable for children’s play.
All dangerous materials including medication are stored out of children’s reach.
The garden is only used under adult supervision.
Heaters, electrical sockets, wires and leads are properly guarded and the children are
taught not to touch them.
All electrical and gas equipment within the building conforms to safety requirements
and is checked regularly
Lighting and ventilation is adequate in all areas including storage areas.
Anti-Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs and Mobile Phones
The Academy has a non-smoking policy. Smoking is not allowed in the Academy building under any circumstances.
With the exception of the designated Academy mobile phones, all Academy staff must switch off their mobile phone when on duty. Academy staff must advise all students that mobiles must be switched off when they are present in the language laboratory, teaching and conversation rooms or in the cinema room.
Staff must not consume alcohol in the mornings before duties of any kind and nor must alcohol be consumed during duties at the Academy. Light drinking of alcohol may be undertaken during functions at the Academy, subject to prior approval by Academy management.
Contravention of the regulations in this section by Academy staff or sub-contractors may be subject to disciplinary actions.
The use of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited. Anyone found in possession of, or using, illegal drugs, or is intoxicated by either drugs or alcohol, will be asked to leave the Academy premises. When such a person is a member of staff they will be summarily dismissed.
Latex and Allergies
The Academy provides latex gloves for staff to wear for general cleaning and dealing with bodily fluid and when using anti-bacterial cleaning solutions as needed.
Safety of Play equipment
Safety of play equipment has initially been checked by the Teachers after construction.
All equipment and resources are checked are periodically self-inspected for defects and faults.
Sun Safety
Connie’s Academy believes in promoting, sun safety practice and procedures to ensure that children and staff are protected from sunburn and skin damage caused by harmful ultra violet radiation from the sun. Skin cancer is a common cause cancer and it is particularly important to protect all our attendees from the sun.
Garden Maintenance arrangements
The garden maintenance contractor carries out the following: during the dry season the grass at the Academy is cut on a two week cycle, shrubs are pruned and weeds controlled, this is carried out as and when time allows depending on weather conditions, e.g. if it is dry and little grass is growing it allows more spare time to do work other than grass cutting. In the rainy season tidying up and shrub pruning is carried out as required depending on weather conditions. Garden maintenance during the rainy seasons is subject to sufficient periods when it has been and will be dry.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
All substances used by the Academy staff to maintain a clean and safe environment during an Academy day are household cleaning materials. All changes in suppliers and products will be reviewed by the Director of Education.
Industrial strength cleaning products used by the professional cleaning staff, when the
Academy is closed, are used and stored kept in a cupboard out of bounds to the general public.